对于对鞋子的爱情:购买更多,拯救更多Shopbop Sale!

Up until last week, I had patiently been stalking a certain pair of shoes that were basically sold out onSHOPBOP.for months. And then, miraculously last week my size became available! I’m referring to thesneakers你在下面的照片中看到。这些红色,白色和蓝色Tretorns我的心脏这一刻我盯着他们。最好的部分是我知道他们会辜负我在我脑子里创造的炒作,因为我已经用不同的颜色掌握了一对,所以我知道他们会非常舒适和完美融合。


现在到这些可爱Converse high tops! I own the same pair in black but after seeing them on my friend艾琳那I decided I wanted to look as effortlessly cool as her, so I scooped up a pair for myself. I really love how they look with these cropped jeans, but I think they will also look great with a pair of dark skinny jeans or even a denim skirt when the weather gets warmer. Along with these two new pair of shoes, I also finally got a pretty pair of玫瑰金闪闪发光for everyday wear and a一对木制串珠箍,这将在夏天看起来很可爱。

Right now, Shopbop is having their huge购买更多,节省更多销售,所以你花了越多,你越省了!所以,如果你们在市场上有一些新的乐趣,春天,跳到网站上并查看货物!销售现在只是通过第3次才能进行,所以跳了!


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