Nine years ago today, I在我的风格丸上发表了第一篇文章yb亚博. As I sit here and reminisce, I still can’t believe that it’s been that long. It was in the middle of the recession and people were losing their jobs like crazy. Heck, at that point, I had already lost one editorial job in December 2007, before getting hired at妇女节特别兴趣出版物in the early spring of 2008. If any of you remember Martha Stewart’s magazine, Blueprint, (now merely aWikipedia page),我一直在那里工作,只需三个月就在它关闭之前。那是一个悲伤,悲伤的一天。
I get so nostalgic thinking back to all those memories. Back to when it was just called Style Pill…Get Your Daily Dose, (点击这里,看看我的第一个店面帖子!)仍然依附于域名。回到开始阶段,实现博客地区的未知程度以及学习曲线的陡峭也是多么陡峭。当我坐下来真正思考它时,它真的吹了我的思想,但我倾斜了。
Anyway, sending out a huge thank you to you guys. I know some of you have been following me from the very beginning and for that I am so incredibly grateful. And for those of you that might be brand new to my site, I am so happy to have you here! Thank you for all the continuous support – I couldn’t have done it without you, my amazing readers. Much love. xo
P.S.为了您的观赏乐趣,点击这里to see the the archives of September 2008.
Enjoy! ;)