
Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 5我的生日是星期六,所以我认为从过去的周末发布少量照片并分享我们如何庆祝的照片会很有趣......

On Thursday, Casey surprised me with tickets toRomeo + Juliet at Lincoln Center,这是惊人的。然后在星期五,我们喝了几个朋友Midnights(我做了一篇文章几个月前). Saturday we spent the afternoon at围栏and then had an amazing dinner at荷兰人. And on Sunday we took the subway up to Yankee Stadium to catch a baseball game before heading back downtown to celebrate Pride with friends in the West Village.


Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 8


Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 6Buy myromper.这里!

Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 7Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 9

Heading to围栏!

庆祝她的生日周末的我的样式药片的Chrisyb亚博tine Cameron在2016年6月10日的纽约我的风格的药片克里斯汀卡梅伦庆祝她的生日周yb亚博末在2016年6月11日的纽约11Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 1庆祝她的生日周末的我的样式药片的Chrisyb亚博tine Cameron在2016年6月13日的纽约Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 2庆祝她的纽约的我的样式药片的Christiyb亚博ne Cameron在2016年6月20日的纽约晚餐的时间荷兰人, where we celebrated our first anniversary. :)

Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 4Christine Cameron of My Style Pill celebrating her Birthday weekend in New York in June of 2016 3

The Yankees lost, (I’m really a Mariners girl at heart) but it was just so fun to sit outside, eat a hot dog and watch baseball on a summer day.

P.S. Both Casey and I agreed it made us think of hanging out with our Dads, bonding and watching baseball. :)

